Showing 1–50 of 56 results
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
In addition to 101 Zen Stories, this volume contains The Gateless Gate, a collection of koans or puzzles and 10 Bulls, an illustrated account of a bull-hunt.
Timaeus and Critias
Taking the form of dialogues between Socrates, Timaeus, Critias and Hermocrates, these two works are among Plato's final writings.
Woman, A Unique Tribute
A beautiful collection of writings, presented in calligraphy with exquisite illustrations, that explore different ideas of ‘woman,’ and bring out particular qualities.
Stillness Speaks
Eckhart Tolle, the bestselling author of ‘The Power of Now’, brings insights into the power of stillness and shows us how to become our true selves by embracing silence.
Ten Principal Upanishads
‘This is a book to be read slowly and lovingly, for it is full of grand passages and haunting phrases from those ancient sages who have left us some of the profoundest reflections ever made upon the nature of man.
The Prophet (Small H/B)
First published in the 1920s, this book attempts to provide the reader with a guide to living.
Prophet, The
First published in the 1920s, this book attempts to provide the reader with a guide to living.
Shape of Ancient Thought, The
Spanning thirty years of intensive research, this book proves what many scholars could not explain: that today’s Western world must be considered the product of both Greek and Indian thought—Western and Eastern philosophies.
Philosophy as a Way of Life
This book presents a history of spiritual exercises from Socrates to early Christianity, an account of their decline in modern philosophy, and a discussion of the different conceptions of philosophy that have accompanied the trajectory and …
Posture of Meditation, The
But, as Will Johnson shows, the physical aspect of the practice is far too often underemphasized.
Power of Now
I think it’s essential spiritual teaching. It’s one of the most valuable books I’ve ever read.’ Oprah Winfrey To make the journey into The Power of Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind.
No Future Without Forgiveness
No Future Without Forgiveness is a quintessentially humane account of an extraordinary life. Desmond Tutu describes his childhood and coming of age in the apartheid era in South Africa.
In this volume, Farquharson’s work is brought up to date and supplied with an introduction and notes for the student and general reader.
Mister God, This Is Anna
Anna was four years old when Fynn, then only 16 himself, found her wandering round London's Docklands one foggy night in the 1930s.
Letters of Marcilio Ficino Vol 8, The
This volume casts a new light on Marsilio Ficino, an extraordinary Renaissance man.
Letters of Marcilio Ficino Vol 6, The
To Ficino and prefaces added to his work published at this time.
Letters of Marcilio Ficino Vol 7, The
To Ficino and prefaces added to his work published at this time.
Letters of Marcilio Ficino Vol 5, The
“This volume casts a new light on Marsilio Ficino, an extraordinary Renaissance man.
Letters of Marcilio Ficino Vol 4, The
To Ficino and prefaces added to his work published at this time.
Letters of Marcilio Ficino Vol 2, The
The problems which troubled people’s minds during the Italian Renaissance were much the same as today. In trying to cope with them, many deep thinking people turned to Marsilio Ficino for help.
Letters of Marcilio Ficino Vol 3, The
A comprehensive and entertaining volume of Stevensonian scholarship.
Illusions Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't.
Interrupted Life, An
For the first time, Etty Hillesum’s diary and letters appear together to give us the fullest possible portrait of this extraordinary woman.
Gospel of Sri Ramanakrishna, The
A first-hand biographical record, written by a disciple, presents the teachings and mystical experiences of Sri Ramakrishna, the 19th century guru who inspired a renewal of Hindu spirituality.
Guide for the Perplexed
This book, by the author of 'Small is Beautiful' is about the different ways in which people may see and the blindness of only seeing in one particular way. The arguments Schumacher presents are invigorating, provoking and often dramatic.
Gardens of Philosophy
The 40 concise articles in this collection comprise the first English translation of Ficino’s works and provide an insightful glimpse into the philosophy that contributed to the Renaissance.
The Golden Thread
In this book the author has sought far and wide among the great religions and philosophies, and has drawn on the work of inspired poets and writers, to find answers to some of the questions about life
Eternal Companion, The
The life and teachings of Swami Brahmananda, who was known as the spiritual son of Ramakrishna.
Emerson’s Essays and Poems
Nietzsche said that he never travelled anywhere without a volume of Emerson’s essays in his pocket, while Mathew Arnold described Emerson as ‘the greatest prose writer of the century’.
Boom to Bust
This is what happened with the collapse of US sub-prime mortgages. The author argues that monetary policy and bank regulation only have a marginal impact on land speculation.
Conference of Birds
An allegorical poem about the search of the world’s birds for the perfect king illustrates the mystical beliefs of sufism.
Ashtavakra Gita (Song of the Self Supreme)
This book presents in twenty chapters the substance of Astavakra's teaching in respect to the Cosmic Self in the form of his dialogue with Janaka, the seer-king of Videha.
With anecdotes and stories as well as guidelines and exercises in self-help, this book is filled with real wisdom and practical advice.